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Executive Coaching: Transforming and Accelerate your Business

We are by Your Side in High-Risk Moments


Transitioning into an executive level role is among the toughest challenges a person will face. And to make it even harder, the higher you climb, the less honest feedback you get. Trust Human Talent Development executive coaching to provide objective feedback and guidance to drive performance. 



Master the art of Successful Negotiation and Influence

Increase Negotiation Impact through Behavioral Strategy


Possessing the skills of negotiation is indeed a key skill in driving decisions in any professional field. This specialization shows you how to create a framework that will be useful in analyzing and structuring negotiable points. 

Identify the conflicts and interests of your opponents and bend your arguments accordingly. By the end of the program you will have the skills required to predict, evaluate and mold the behavior of competitors




Leadership Enterprise Consulting

WE are by Your Side for Every Critical Moment


At Human Talent Development, leadership consulting looks a little different than what you may be used to. It’s not about constantly upselling you on new products, or racking up high hourly rates. That’s not our style. We’re about one key thing: Trust. 


In our view, leadership consulting is about being by your side for every critical moment. We take the time to learn about your unique goals, culture, challenges, and stakeholders. Your success is our success. In short, we aim to be an extension of your team. 



Business Impact Leadership

Mid Level Management Leadership Development Program

The Human Side of Leadership


We’ve been in the leadership development industry for more than 40 years and have heard every complaint in the book about bosses. And we know that bad bosses are the #1 reason people leave jobs. 

But leadership is a uniquely human endeavor. And it’s incredibly difficult.


At Human Talent Development, we help your leaders develop the skills that will make them successful at every level of leadership. From emerging leaders up to the CEO, we offer innovative leadership development solutions that support your talent strategy for the future.



Business Brainstorming

Succession Planning

Ensuring Your Business Sustainability

Are Your Leaders Ready?


When a tough business challenge comes along, who will step up? When retirements happen, do you have leaders ready to jump in?


Succession management can often fall low on the priority list, until one or more key leaders leave suddenly. And that’s when leaders start making fast decisions about who can fill in, without always making sure they’re truly ready. 


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