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Master the art of

Successful Negotiation & Influence

Increase Negotiation Impact through Behavioral Strategy

Possessing the skills of negotiation is indeed a key skill in driving decisions in any professional field. This specialization shows you how to create a framework that will be useful in analyzing and structuring negotiable points.


Identify the conflicts and interests of your opponents and bend your arguments accordingly. By the end of the program you will have the skills required to predict, evaluate and mold the behavior of competitors.

Plan Your Negotiation Strategy

This part focuses on the first step in the negotiation process - planning for a negotiation. One critical component you'll learn is how to complete a negotiation analysis to set you up for success.

Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success using behavioral Science

This module focuses on two especially important topics:

  1. How to read and decode behavioral counterparts during negotiation

  2. Behavioral psychological tools that you can use during negotiations.

Close: Create a Desired deal

This module focuses on the negotiation that takes place in a business deal after reaching an initial agreement – the negotiation to create a deal.

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